The obligation to adopt a more sustainable model in the use of resources is something about we can no longer turn our backs. Because it is not only necessary, but urgent.
Currently, we are in a phase of high development in procedures that are more respectful with the planet, whether to produce energy, to manage our waste, to obtain the services we need, to move…
Today, these innovative forms must be combined with more conventional ones to achieve together the satisfaction of the needs in the demand. We see it, for example, in the energy production system, where using different sources is an effective tool to supply energy in an efficient way and, when clean sources come into play, also more sustainable. Thus, today, sources of fossil origin (such as coal, oil and natural gas) are still the most used, but they coexist with nuclear, solar, wind, hydraulic, thermal or biomass, that increasingly acquire greater development and prominence and facilitate the much-needed energy transition towards that model that guarantees not only our survival, but also that of the planet.

Combination of sources, also to feed ourselves
Without a doubt we can draw a parallel between the energy that our industrial development needs and the energy that we ourselves need; In this case, we talk about what we eat, our food system.
Guaranteeing the availability of healthy food for a constantly increasing population and doing so in a way that respects the planet is a challenge in which all forms of production must be united.
As Iñigo Charola, CEO of BioTech Foods, already indicated in a recent interview on the Capital Radio program La Trilla, “coexistence with the traditional livestock sector is going to happen in a very natural way. We are already seeing it with many other products available on the market; Years ago, for example, vegetable drinks were launched that offer an alternative for those people who, for different reasons, do not want to consume milk of animal origin and, today, they coexist perfectly. In the end, the important thing is that the consumer has options and that we are able to create a more balanced protein production system.”
Agriculture is still responsible for around 10% of greenhouse gas emissions, of which 70% is from livestock animals. Along with manufacturing, processing, packaging and transportation, the truth is that the food sector is one of the largest contributors to climate change, despite the fact that efforts are being made to reduce its impact. In this context, the most innovative ways of obtaining protein – which are already born with the vocation of sustainability – are the necessary ally, as is the case of energy with renewable sources, to supply humanity by facilitating the essential » food transition”.